Click on one of Berlin’s historic neighborhoods on the map of Berlin below to learn more about that neighborhood!
Berlin’s historic neighborhoods can be defined by many factors including:
- Ethnic group or religion of early residents
- Land subdivision
- Geography
- Early house construction and/or ownership
- Street patterns
- Nearby major business/employer
Over time neighborhoods evolve as new residents move in and existing residents move out. The geographical area that constitutes a neighborhood, what the name of the neighborhood is, and even whether there is a neighborhood, all change over the years. Here, we have tried to include most commonly recognized neighborhoods in Berlin that can be pinned down to a location at any time in its history. Some of these neighborhoods have not been recognized as such for a century. In most cases the exact boundaries of a neighborhood aren’t clear, so we have located neighborhoods at their most commonly agreed-upon location or a location that has historical support (for instance, subdivision boundaries).
So, go ahead and explore Berlin’s historic neighborhoods. This is a work in process, so we welcome your additions to these pages.
The Berlin Historic Neighborhoods section of the Berlin and Coos County Historical Society Website was made possible through Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and a collaboration between the City of Berlin and the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Preservation Company wrote and prepared this material with the exception of material which is specifically quoted and attributed to others. This section of the website was designed by Pempsell Design with BaileyDonovan LLC.