Barn Sales
Since the BCCHS acquired the Brown Company Barns at 137 East Milan Road, Berlin, barn sales have been held during the summer months in the small barn to raise funds to support the operations of The Moffett House Museum and Genealogy Center. Barn sale items are donated to BCCHS from the people in the community who have no more need for these items. The following are the dates for the barn sales this year: June 01 (craft supplies), June 22, July 13 (book sales), August 10 (book sales), September 07 (Halloween sale), October 05 (Christmas Sale). So save your change, come shop at the barns and have a hot dog while you are there.
Web Site
The BCCHS web site has added an index to the Brown Bulletins. The Brown Bulletin was a monthly publication published by the Brown Company during the late teens, 1920’s, early thirties. late forties, fifties and sixties. Several years ago Odette Leclerc and Medora Snigger created an index for the Brown Company Bulletins by name. Thousands of people mentioned in the bulletins now are searchable at our web site, The search results in information explaining exactly where a person is mention in a Brown Bulletin. The information from the index can be located in the Brown Bulletins which are on the BCCHS web site. Also, we want to again thank Paul Gilbert of Greenland, NH for making the web site possible and continues as a consultant working with Don Leclerc to continually add updates and improvements.
Museum Store
Offered for sale in our museum store are unique books by local writers, a DVD documentary film of Berlin, and many postcards. The Museum is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 12 pm to 4 pm for your shopping convenience. Prices and titles may be obtained by phoning the museum at (603) 752-4590 or (603) 752- 7337. You may wish to visit our web site: The web site will give you access to the list of all items available and more information about the museum with lots of pictures of past events.
ReportI2012 Financial
Total assets $57,201
Ken Fysh story From The BerlinHigh School Meteor 1942
Story from Berlin Daily Sun

Sport’s Exhibit
Our sport’s exhibit was rearranged to include objects recently acquired. Along with Notre Dame Hockey memorabilia, Berlin High Hockey objects are now exhibited to satisfy BHS sports fans. Among the BHS hockey objects are the following: A goalie stick used by Ron Villeneuve, goalie of the BHS hockey team that won the 1967 NHIAA Hockey and New England championships; hockey gloves that were worn by BHS Hockey coach Dick Bradley during practices from the 1954/55 through the 1964/65 hockey seasons; The game puck from the 1963 Hockey championships, donated by Sam Paquette; this was the first one among nine titles foe BHS; finally, a 1976 BHS Hockey jersey that was worn by Gerard Fillion; this was the last year that BHS won the State Championships
Spanish-American War Uniform
Carole Lamirande and Robert Dalphonse gratiously donated a Spanish-American War uniform to the Moffett House Museum and Genealogy Center which belonged to their grandfather, Thomas McCarthy. This is an exciting addition to the Moffett House military exhibit. Thomas McCarthy enlisted in 1898 to serve his country in the Spanish-American War, which began that same year. In 1904 he became employed by Brown Company in the Cascade Mill and worked for many years in the mills. In 1906 he was one of the original organizers of the the first National Guard Company in Berlin and became a drill instructor for recruits.
In the group photograph Lt. McCarthy is the tallest man, standing on the right side of the Spanish-American War Memorial which was dedicated on October 13, 1940.
First LT.McCarthy uniform 
Station Master’s Book
Olive Hancock of Milan, NH donated a Station Master’s book that she found in her home which is the white house across from the Milan General Store. Olive’s daughter, Elizabeth Eastman, now owns the house. This book has entries dating from 1880 to 1887. During this time period, rail cars entered the Berlin Mills’ (later Brown Company) property and were loaded with finished products for transportation outside of Berlin. This book refers to deliveries and payments from the Forest Fibre Company, C.C. Gerrish & Company, Glen Manufacturing Co., among others. It also reported a man falling off the train and horses and oxen being killed by the train. Most entries were made by A.K. Cole. There is a signature on a receipt of merchandise of A.P. Blake, a Milan Businessman. A.P. Blake lived in the Hancock House from 1874 to 1902. BCCHSthanks Olive Hancock for saving this important object and presenting it to the Moffett House Museum and Genealogy Center to preserve for the future.
The Brown Bulletins have been especially very popular. It’s a great way to research relatives’s activitiies who worked in the mills. Some articles are very amusing while others are informative. In the older Bulletins of the 1920s, there are stories of the ethnic groups of Berlin as well as articles on the popular areas of the city. Many new photos have recently been added. Check out our website at