Includes street names relating to WWI (Maynesboro, Verdun, Rheims, Pershing, and Argonne Street, Marne Avenue) and street names relating to the Brown Company including Wood, Bermico, Bemis, and Franklin Streets
According to the East Side NHDHR Area Form (Richards/Hengen:2010), Liberty Park was laid out by owner-investor A. M. Stahl. Its development was slower than much of the rest of the east side and “ultimately spanned some seventy years.” A[braham] M. Stahl (1853-1941) was a successful Berlin merchant and businessman. A German immigrant, he owned a dry good store and was a part owner of the Sinclair-Stahl Lumber Company. He was one of the investors in the Green Aqueduct and Land Company which built subdivisions on the East Side and in the Avenues. According to http://berlinhistory.weebly.com/other.html:
Abraham M. Stahl was born in Gliserberg, Germany on March 24, 1853, the son of Nehm and Sara (Metzger) Stahl. He came to America in 1871, and started in the dry-goods business [Stahl Bros.] in 1872 and for seven years was the president of the Berlin Savings Bank and Trust Company. He served as a representative of the General Court of the State of New Hampshire in 1891. In August of 1887, he was married to Flora Guttman of Somersworth, daughter of Julins and Mina (Dessauer) Guttman. Mr. Stahl died on August 6, 1941 in Gorham.