This news letter is dedicated to the fond memory of Germaine Bujold Fillion. Germaine was one of the earliest members of Berlin & Coos County Historical Society. She died March 11, 2011 in Bristol, CT. where she had moved to be with family. She gave so generously of her time and abilities. She took on regular duties, guided visitors, recorded artifacts and participated in mailings and yard sales. She served on the Board of Directors until her move to Connecticut. For her many contributions to this society, she will long be remembered and missed.
Barn Grant and Restoration
On March 07, 2011, BCCHS was awarded a $2,000 grant from the Plum Creek Foundation. Plum Creek is the largest and most geographically diverse private landowner in the nation, with approximately 6.8 million acres in major timber producing regions of the United States. The Plum Creek Foundation supports organizations that improve the quality of life and provide services to residents in the communities where Plum Creek operates.
This grant will be applied to the replacement of 26 windows on the below grade level of the large Brown Company Barn on East Milan Road. The existing windows are too far gone to restore. The new windows will be of the same design and materials as the old windows.
In May of 2002 BCCHS acquired the two historic Brown Company Barns situated on 2.83 acres on East Milan Road. These two barns are the last of what remains of the logging part of Brown Company History. At one time, the Company horses were sent to the Barns for resting.
BCCHS has worked diligently over the past nine years to restore the Brown Company Barns. With funding from The Berlin Industrial Park Authority, NH LCHIP, PSNH, BCCHS, and other pledges, the following restoration work has been accomplished:
1. A new standing seam steel roof and copula on the large barn
2. Interior wind braces on the large barn
3. Replacement of upper level windows in large barn
4. Floor plank restoration in the large barn
5. Asphalt shingle roof on small barn
6. Painted the small barn
7. Improved the ground drainage around the small barn
8. Replaced foundation sill on North side of front section of small barn (70 feet)
9. Replaced 24 square foot roof over man door of small barn
10. Built a new rear door for the small barn
The following is planned for this summer:
1. Replace 26 windows in the large barn
2. Jack up the rear section of the small barn and replace the sill.
BCCHS appreciates any financial support for the continual restoration of these historic barns.
Web Site
Last fall Paul Gilbert of Greenland, NH visited the Moffett House Museum & Genealogy Center to research his family history. As a child, he had left Berlin with his family and returned here in 2010 to find his roots. Mr. Gilbert was excited about the research material available in the Moffett House and inquired if BCCHS had a web site. At the time BCCHS was making inquiries about the cost and the work entailed to develop a web site, but had not moved forward at the time.
Paul graciously volunteered to work on this project for BCCHS and we are now on the World Wide Web providing information about the Society, links to other genealogical sites, the Brown Bulletins, newsletters, and other historical information. Also, you can shop at our on-line store.
Mr. Gilbert has donated the cost of maintaining our site on the World Wide Web for the next three years and will train volunteers to continue his work on this web page. We all thank Paul for his efforts to introduce BCCHS to the world.
If you would prefer to receive our newsletter by e-mail, let us know by e-mailing us with your e-mail address to and/or read the newsletter on our web site:
TOTAL ASSETS……….…$45,767.10
If you have any questions with regards to the financial report,
please feel free to email us at or call at 603 752-4590
On March 26 BCCHS received a check in the amount of $2,876.48 from an organization known as Auger Open. For the past three years Auger Open has conducted a fund raising golf tournament on the ice at Jericho Lake and donated the proceeds to a charitable organization. This year the tournament was conducted for the benefit of the Berlin & Coos County Historical Society on March 05; these funds will be applied toward the restoration of the Brown Company Barns. Their decision to give the proceeds to BCCHS was a result of the committee seeing our documentary “At the River’s Edge.”
The Auger Open committee members, Casey Mitchell, Michael Goyette, Ernie and Randy Blais and Michael Fodor, spent many hours of their free time planning this fun event over the past year. 74 golfers were challenged to find their golf balls in the snow and to putt on a “green” made up of ice. After completing 18 holes, the contestants were treated to a great buffet lunch in a heated shelter and awards were given to the winners. Each person also received a gift bag from BCCHS and prizes donated by local businesses. Plans are already being developed to hold this event next year for the benefit of BCCHS.
To learn more about this event visit the Auger Open web site at