On May 31, 2011, Turner Couture received his Eagle badge for his project of beautifying the area around the Historic Brown Company Barns. About one year ago, Turner organized a group of fellow scouts and adults to do this wonderful project. The area between the barns (about one acre) was a mess. Members of his group made the connections to have the area graded by White Mountain Lumber; everyone raked the area to remove rocks, cleared brush and gave it the finishing touches that it needed. Then they planted the grass. Finally, Turner, Bruce Bunnell and others built a 4’x4’x18” stone wall around the Historic Marker located on the site.
Jim Wagner was the MC of this rare ceremony which was held in the large Brown Company Barn with about 50 people in attendance. This was followed by a small reception in the same building with refreshments.
The Berlin & Coos County Historical Society congratulates Turner Couture for this great achievement and wish him success in the future.