BCCHS received a $20,000 grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The grant will help further the Berlin & Coos County Historical Society’s mission of preserving the rich history of Berlin and Coos County by contributing to the final rehabilitation/restoration of the Maynesboro Stud Barn. The Barn was built by William R Brown over 110 years ago to house Arabian Horses. WR Brown was one of four brothers who owned the Brown Company. 16% of Arabian Horses in the United States are descended from horses housed in this Barn. In 1947, the Maynesboro Stud Barn was moved 1700 feet South to its present location and used by Brown Company to house work horses and store 450 tons of hay. Renney Morneau, the Society’s president commented: “The Berlin & Coos County Historical Society is elated to receive this $20,000 grant. The money will enable the organization to complete the restoration of the Maynesboro Stud Barn, which is both historically and culturally significant to the folklore of Brown Company and the Berlin area.” This will supplement the $50,000 received from the New Hampshire Land & Community Heritage Investment Program toward the $102,000 Maynesboro Stud Barn project.
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