Letter from BCCHS President

Dear Board Members of the Berlin & Coos County Historical Society,

Today we lost a true treasure. Our beloved Odette Leclerc passed away early this morning. Odette was a true friend to the Society and to all of us in her truly unique way. She was always steadfast, beginning from the early days of the organization when meetings were held at Berlin City Hall. She rode the rollercoaster of heartbreaks and disappointments the Society endured before finding its home at the Moffett House in 1996. Odette never flinched and always supported our cause 150%. As her daughter-in-law Karen, so elequently told me yesterday, “Odette was the heart of the Moffett House”.

For 30 years Odette was always at the forefront of everything, but never brought attention to herself despite the many accolades she deserved. Along with her wonderful husband, Don, she helped to transform our organization into one of respect, notoriety, and accessability. Odette and Don always served as our goodwill ambassadors to everyone and their efforts will never be forgotten. Odette was an unselfish example of how to bring about the best in everyone.

In speaking to Don this afternoon, he mentioned to me that Odette’s wishes were to not have a public funeral. Services will be held privately for the immediate family at a later date.
Thank you Odette for being such a special person and for being a friend to each and every one of us.


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